Food Waste

Canning and drying produce

Preserving Your Harvest

by Margie Siegal One of the (few) positive side effects of the current pandemic is a renewed interest in self sufficiency. One way to become more self-sufficient is to learn to preserve food. By preserving, you take food that is easily available in large quantities for short periods (for example, […]

Leftover Cuisine – Frittata Muffin

by Kristen Smeal, ABG board member and Master Gardener Frittatas are a perfect way to use up leftovers in the fridge. They can be prepared ahead for a weekend brunch or on-the-go workdays. They can be frozen or stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Here is a […]

leftover frittata muffins

basil in water

Storing and Preserving Produce

by Linda Carloni, ABG Board member and Master Gardener No one wants to waste the hard work or the money spent in obtaining the food they’ve grown or bought. Knowing the optimal way to store produce can really prolong its life before you need to turn to drying, freezing or […]

Growing Just the Right Amount

by Birgitt Evans, ABG Board member and Master Gardener When my future husband and I rented a house in Alameda 30 years ago, I suddenly had more sunny land than I had ever imagined. And I went hog wild, planting every inch of it with dozens of tomato and cucumber […]

Pie cabinet with squashes

Worm composting

Worm Composting with Children

by Sarah Miller, Master Gardener The process of worm composting (or vermiculture) can be a mutually beneficial undertaking. Your child learns about worm biology, decomposition and waste reduction, and the worms create black gold for your garden, also known as worm castings or worm poop. To get started you’ll need […]

On a Mission to Reduce Food Waste

by Linda Carloni, Alameda Backyard Growers Alameda Sun, Thursday, August 9, 2018 Summer is an especially wonderful time to enjoy fresh produce. Tomatoes, green beans, peaches and berries all beckon us to enjoy them. But fresh produce spoils more quickly than other food. So summer is a good time to […]

Take the Food Waste Challenge

Summer Garden Talk and Potluck

12 Tips for Reducing Food Waste

Here is another great article on reducing food waste from CUESA (Cultivating a Healthy Food System): “Food is a weapon. Don’t waste it” was a popular motto during World Wars I and II, when the US made it a national priority to conserve resources by curbing food waste. Today, approximately […]

Transforming Food Policy Through Science from Coast to Coast

by Michael Halpern, program manager, Center for Science & Democracy April 21, 2014 Here’s a link to the original article. From Let’s Move! to farmers markets, the conversation about how public health science is informing and leading to healthier food policies and food environments is growing. And at every level, […]